Author Guidelines

The themes of the submitted article should be government science, both theoretically and practically, including government policies, electronic government, digital government, government and politics, and   related issues.

The language of the article can be be written in Indonesian or English. For those write the article in English, please take the time to ensure that your text is submitted in clear and correct English. While our editors can do a certain amount of language editing, it is unrealistic to expect that linguistically substandard submissions could be completely overhauled. Submissions considered difficult to read and interpret because of language problems might not be considered by the Editors.

Files and Length
The authors should submit the manuscript by using our journal template (download it in the Download link), with single-spaced typescript, not exceeding 10,000 words (including footnotes and references), where the file should be written in (Word) .doc, .docx, or rtf. If the total pages exceed this maximum preferred length, the author should write first to the Editors with its reasons.

Abstract and Keywords
Total words of abstract are 100-250 words while that of keywords are 3-10 words.

Contents Order
Use the most common contents order of the manuscript, as follows: title, author(s), affiliations and email address of corresponding author, abstract, keywords, introduction, theoretical framework or literature review, methodology (if any), main text/discussion, conclusion, and references. If there is an acknowledgement, it should be placed after the conclusion. Tables, Figures, Figure Captions, Map, etc should be embedded in the manuscript (in one file), but they could be placed in the main text or as appendices. For the latter, use a reference style in the main text as follows: (see Appendix 1), (see Table 1 in Appendices), etc.

Fonts and Headings
Use font style “Cambria” for all texts, where the font size of the main text and references is 11 point. Use indention style for paragraphs and hanging style for references. The hierarchy of headings as well as their font size can be seen in GovSci journal template.

References should be mentioned directly in the text using “(Last-name Year)” format; for example (Dougal 2007), (Black & Vaughan 2006), (Henry, Rodds & Kelly 2004). If the authors are more than three, use “et al.”; for instance: (Blackburn et al. 2007). Add page number for references with citation, for example: (Dougal 2007:114).
Only cited publication in the main text could be placed in the References, with the following styles:

Peluso, Nancy Lee. 1992. Rich Forests, Poor People: Resource Control and Resistance in Java. Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oxford: University California Press.

Book Chapters
Lindayati, Rita. 2002. “Ideas and Institutions in Social Forestry Policy.” In Colfer, Carol J., and Resosudarmo, Ida Aju Pradnja. Which Way Forward? People, Forests, and Policymaking in Indonesia. Washington: Resources for the Future

Journal papers:
Homer-Dixon, Thomas. 1994. "Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict: Evidence from Cases." International Security 2(2):5-40

John, B. 2007. “The Management of Forest Resources.” Paper presented at the Intternational Conference on Natural Resource Management. Bangkok, University of Chulalongkorn, December 12.

Internet Resources:
Vallejo, Nancy, and Hauselmann, Pierre. 2004. Governance and Multi-stakeholder Processes. Winnipeg, Canada: International Institute for Sustainable Development. (Accessed on June 18, 2006)
Levy, Marc. n.d. Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict: A Debate. (accessed on May 6, 2001).